Working with Combined Sewers: Geometric and Hydraulic Elements of Egg-shaped Sewers
February 6, 2025
Do you like sewers? Do you like geometry? Do you like history? If you answered “yes” to at least two of these questions, then this webinar is for you.
Combined sewers are designed and constructed with a wide variety of sewer cross sections. While the circular section is most common, other non-circular sections have also been used over the years. Therefore, working with combined sewers requires an understanding of the geometric and hydraulic elements of these non-circular sections when encountered. The egg-shaped sewer section is the focus of this webinar. Descriptions of the most common egg-shaped sewer sections are provided, and historical perspectives regarding their development and application are discussed. The geometric and hydraulics elements of these egg-shaped sections are then defined, and the equations for the wetted area, wetted perimeter, and surface width for sewers flowing partially full are provided and validated. The result is a concise reference for wastewater professionals working with egg-shaped sewers in combined sewer systems.
SPEAKER: Kevin Enfinger, P.E.
TIME: 1 hour

Tackling Infiltration and Inflow with SLiiCER®: Series
Have an infiltration and inflow (I/I) problem? You are not alone. Most wastewater collection systems do. Resolving comprehensive I/I problems starts by evaluating flow monitor and rainfall data as part of an I/I study. Join ADS for a multi-part webinar series taught by experienced professionals where you will learn how to apply SLiiCER – our Cloud-based I/I analytics tool – to understand and prioritize I/I problems in your wastewater collection system.
SPEAKER: Kevin Enfinger, P.E.
TIME: 1 hour
PART 1: SLiiCER Overview – The Big Picture | August 29, 2024
Part 1 provides a general overview of SLiiCER and demonstrates how it provides infiltration and inflow (I/I) insights to wastewater professionals. This webinar discusses the “big picture” and highlights the capabilities and time savings that SLiiCER brings to the table. Subsequent webinars will provide a deeper dive into the details of key features, including technical background and helpful tips.
PART 2: Understanding Dry Weather Flows | September 26, 2024
Understanding dry weather flows in sanitary sewer systems is an integral piece of the infiltration and inflow puzzle. This Part 2 webinar discusses techniques to extract dry weather flows from flow monitor and rainfall monitor data and how to use SLiiCER to distill them into a variety of insights including minimum, average, and maximum dry day flows, peaking factors, wastewater production, and groundwater infiltration.
PART 3: Understanding Wet Weather Flows | November 14, 2024
Understanding wet weather flows in sanitary sewer systems is a crucial piece of the infiltration and inflow puzzle. This Part 3 webinar discusses techniques used to evaluate rainfall dependent infiltration and inflow (RDII) and shows how to leverage SLiiCER to run the calculations, assess the results, and make any adjustments needed.