PRISM Updates
Click on the update links below to view the notes associated with a specific release of PRISM. Within the release notes you will find additional detail on new features, functionality, and bug fixes within PRISM. If you have any questions, or need further clarification, please contact our Customer Support group. We’d also love to hear your thoughts on PRISM. Your ongoing feedback is always welcomed and greatly valued.
9-8-21 Release Notes: Welcome to PRISM 3.0.4! New Features: GIS improvements including labels for ADS flow monitors and updated highlights. Enhanced help and user-friendly messaging. PRISM can now sweep FTP files as a next step towards importing 3rd party data. You can now add Scattergraphs on the Custom Dashboard. As always, we are continually making updates to further improve PRISM security.
7-14-21 Release Notes: Welcome to PRISM 3.03! New Features: You can now store\restore curves associated to a specific location. The Daily Summary report has been completely revamped. The Uptime Report has been updated and reimagined – newly organized with advanced report deliverables. We have added Vault Export upgrades, Hydrograph Data Editing updates and new GIS improvements. Please check out the NEW PRISM Quick Look and many of the other new enhancements in this release of PRISM!

Solutions to Your Collection System Mysteries Revealed in PRISM 3.0
The new PRISM 3.0 equips you with the necessary tools to capture, analyze, store, report, and visualize actionable answers to the industry’s most critical collection system problems – prioritizing sewer cleaning and preventing SSOs, assessing your RDII, and measuring and managing your CSOs.
2-23-21 Release Notes: Welcome to PRISM 3.0!
This release reflects a major turning point in the PRISM platform. There are many new and big features to introduce…
- GIS Integration– With this new feature, we can now display GIS data directly from the clients’ GIS Servers. PRISM can consume the GIS data from ESRI ArcGIS Server or GeoServer.
- Notification Dashboard– You now can create two different types of notifications: Standard and ANSR™. The Standard Alarm provides for notifications of the same alarms that we always have had (e.g. High, High High, Overflow, WDO, etc.). The new ANSR Alarm allows you to use an ANSR formula to determine if an alarm notification should be sent to the alarm subscribers.
- Location Status – PRISM will now support new status conditions for monitors.
- Configure Notifications for user – Users can now designate how they receive notifications by turning the toggle on for each communication channel from which they want to receive notifications.
- Customer Admins\Admins Edit User’s Info – Customer Admin\Admins now can also help users by updating the user’s preferences for them.
- Plot Other Entities on Scattergraph – Users now have the ability to select a subset of the DEPTH & VELOCITY entities for the hydrograph to be plotted on the scattergraph.
- Data Availability – Users can now see the date and time range of data available from the monitor on the location dashboard.
- Dashboard Configurations – PRISM now includes a very popular user request – Users can now Save & Load configurations for the location dashboard.
- View Raw Data – This option will restrict/allow users to view or not view raw data.
- Monitor Diagnostics – Users now have the ability to fire monitor diagnostics from the location details page or from the site location card.
- Project Details – PRISM now allows users to enter specific project details that will help us moving forward for deeper project understanding and management.
- Rolling vs Static Data Viewing – Users can now set the Static & Rolling functions on the Custom Dashboard.
- PRISM SLiiCER™ – THE WAIT IS OVER!!!! SLiiCER is released to external BETA users as part of PRISM 3.0.
10-19-20 Release Notes: Welcome to PRISM 2.0!The new PRISM unites some of the most powerful, time saving, solution-advancing flow monitoring data applications into one complete solution. There are over 50 user stories delivering new and exciting features and functionality. New Features: Data Editing V1 is now active! With the release of Data Editing V1, most projects no longer require the use of Profile to edit and cleanse the data, enabling you to work more productively, more quickly, and more seamlessly all within the PRISM platform. Exciting new advanced editing features include…
- Familiar Layout and Icons for Editing Makes the Transition to Data Editing Smooth and Easy.
- You Can Now View and Edit hydrographs and Scattergraphs on the Same Page!
- The new Rollback Editor Tool Allows the User to Rollback Edits from the Edited Value to the Original Value from the Monitor.
- The Advanced Block Editor – Now Create Conditions to Select Locations and Entity Values on Other Locations.
- See the History of Silt Values and Enter New Silt Values with the New Silt Editor.
- The Powerful New Interpolate Tool Enables You to Select Spans of Data to Fill Gaps and Works to Resolve Pops and Drops.
- Auto-Generated Error Messages for Pipe Tables Ensures Your Pipe Table is Properly Configured.
- Performance Improvements to the Best Fit Curve.
Rain Data Assignment – rainfall data is now pulled directly from the assigned rain gauge. Updated Location Scroll on Location Details enables you to simply scroll all locations and easily access the location dashboard. New print formatting fixes in the Print Location Dashboard. The Entity Selector is getting smarter and smarter with API enhancements. Numerous bugs were squashed! Many more improvements are making PRISM 2.0 faster, easier, and more intelligent. Please review the release notes for a deeper dive.
8-5-20 Release Notes: Welcome to PRISM 1.15! Over 155 User Stories completed delivering new and exciting features! New Features: The first round of features required for V1 (Beta) of Data Editing are released! SLiiCER V1 (Beta) is released – the industry leading analytics tool, Sliicer, has been moved from the remote desktop into PRISM as part of PRISM Analytics™. The Flow Monitoring Report (Beta) – This important report is now available! USGS data displayed in PRISM – Did you know that we can import USGS rain and level data into PRISM and have that data available for display or even used as part of the ANSR Engine? Location Dashboard Refactor makes things much better for you the user and much easier to build upon in the future. Our API functionality now has secure webhooks released for consumers of the API. Entity Selection on Location Dashboard AND Notification of Collect Completion. New User Agreement and Privacy Policy – As PRISM has matured into a full data management platform, it is incumbent upon us to be more proactive in the protection of both our customers’ and ADS’s privacy, security, and information. Many performance improvements. Recent Bug Fixes.
6-23-20 Release Notes: Welcome to PRISM 1.14! 35 User Stories completed delivering new and exciting features! New Features: The Dynamic Dashboard is gone and replaced with the NEW Custom Dashboard. New and Improved Look and Feel for Location Dashboard. Schedule Collect removed location group from UI in editor. Excel Export Multiple Files – Export to Excel can now export to multiple files. Customer Support is now copied on password reset requests. Battery Voltage updated on collect. Many performance improvements. Recent Bug Fixes.
4-30-20 Release Notes: Welcome to PRISM 1.13! 26 User Stories have been completed delivering new and exciting features! New Features: Perform actions on multiple files in the Vault. Support for Long Range Depth sensor. Expanded support for multiple monitoring points. Allow for download after export. Export to Excel (in addition to CSV files). New Site Setup Features Directly In PRISM (including support for samplers, support for modem providers, and TRITON+ allowing negative physical offset). Listing Vault folders in alphabetic order. Many performance improvements! Recent Bug Fixes.
1-23-20 Release Notes: Welcome to PRISM 1.12! New Features: New Options for New Site Setup – Users now can import location information XML files for sites that already exist in PRISM. Save Export Settings! – Users now can save\reload settings for data export – This is a huge new feature. Vault export to Excel – not only can we now export data by either Location or Location group to an Excel file; in addition, there is now Vault export of multiple locations to a single csv file. The Audit log is now available to all users under Reports and the Daily Summary report now has the units in the header instead of every cell. All highly requested enhancements from users. Recent Bug Fixes. (See the archived video on the ADS YouTube channel.)
12-16-19 Release Notes: Welcome to PRISM 1.11! New Features: New ANSR Engine functionality added – calculation that provides the “interpolate” function for data, enhancements for the “Percent Full” report (including pipe diameter data), the NEW SLiiCER is now included in PRISM for internal beta testing, additional new enhancements, features, and changes were made, Recent Bug Fixes
10-23-19 Release Notes: Welcome to PRISM 1.10! New Features: PRISM now supports the uploading of KML layers into the native PRISM map, Schedule Collect Dashboard updates, Support for activating a monitor with multiple monitoring points in a single activation, New functionality: Data Quality while viewing graphs on the Location Dashboard, hydrograph and scattergraph rendering performance improvements, Recent Bug Fixes
9-20-19 Release Notes: Welcome to PRISM 1.9 (WEFTEC Release)! New Features: Enhanced data communications directly from the home page (data communications tile), New flow monitoring report, multiple additions to the Locations Details page, the ability to manually enter confirmations (now with the ability to plot on a Hydrograph), data editing is on it’s way! Recent Bug Fixes
7-3-19 Release Notes: Welcome to FlowView PRISM 1.8! New Features: Check out FlowView PRISM’s new Flow Balance report, the first stage of confirmation entry has been added, numerous performance enhancements we added in this release, Recent Bug Fixes.
6-11-19 Release Notes: Welcome to FlowView PRISM 1.7.3! Look for more performance improvements in this release. New Features: Updates to administrator and customer administrator roles, check out calculated entities in the ADS ANSR engine, editable fields of the TRITON+ monitor configuration pages have been updated, streamlining assigning customers for viewing purposes, location groups saved for new customers within FlowView PRISM, Recent Bug Fixes
5-7-19 Release Notes: Welcome to FlowView PRISM 1.7.2! New Features: Introducing the Flow Balancing advanced data editing tool in FlowView PRISM, Performance enhancements: additional effort was made improving speed and efficiency of the Hydrographs and Scattergraphs in this release, Recent Bug Fixes
4-26-19 Release Notes: Welcome to FlowView PRISM 1.7.1! New Features: blockage PREDICT continues to be optimized to provide information that will allow users to leverage advanced machine learning to better Predict, Prepare for, and Prevent overflows in their systems, Recent Bug Fixes
4-16-19 Release Notes: Welcome to FlowView PRISM 1.7! New Features: Introducing the ADS ANSR (Advanced Numerical SolveR) engine, SMS text alarms are now available in FlowView PRISM, Location Dashboard upgrades, speed and performance improvements, TRITON+ setup now available, Recent Bug Fixes. (See the archived video on the ADS YouTube channel.)
3-28-19 Release Notes: Welcome to FlowView PRISM 1.6! New Features: New look in the Customer Editor/Assign Locations, new options for setup/altering wet/dry overflow (WDO) alarms, hyperlinks to show if WDO alarms are setup to alert, new user setup options, “Data Collect” tile changed to “Data Communication” on home page, Recent Bug Fixes
3-14-19 Release Notes: Welcome to FlowView PRISM 1.5.2! Recent Bug Fixes
3-7-19 Release Notes: Welcome to FlowView PRISM 1.5.1! New Features: The site name found in Location Dashboard now hyperlinks to the Location Details page, Recent Bug Fix
3-1-19 Release Notes: Welcome to FlowView PRISM 1.5! New Features: Customer Editor Functions consolidated to a single access point, New – synopsis of monitor information project-wide (with options to update monitors at will) within Customer Editor Options, easier selection options on the Location Dashboard, Sliicer on the Navigation Bar (Sliicer functionality in FlowView PRISM is coming!), Recent Bug Fix. (See the archived video on the ADS YouTube channel.)
2-21-19 Release Notes: Welcome to FlowView PRISM 1.4! New Features: New Zoom Options within the Location Dashboard, “Behind the Scenes” Improvements in Basic Data Editing and the FlowView PRISM Calculation Engine, Recent Bug Fixes
2-7-19 Release Notes: Recent Bug Fixes
1-31-19 Release Notes: Welcome to FlowView PRISM 1.3.1! New Features: Data Averaging Options, Recent Bug Fixes
1-28-19 Release Notes: Welcome to FlowView PRISM 1.3! New Features: Site-wide Optimization for Increased Speed, Addition of the Stevens-Schutzbach (SS) curve to Scattergraphs, Recent Bug Fixes
1-17-19 Release Notes: Recent Bug Fixes
1-11-19 Release Notes: Welcome to FlowView PRISM 1.2.0! New Features: External users can sign in using existing FlowView logins (not just Microsoft ID logins), composite location creation is now available, Recent Bug Fixes
1-4-19 Release Notes: Issue with Google Maps API.
12-20-18 Release Notes: New Features: Scattergraph “Best Fit Curve”, Customer Editor – See All (active and inactive) Customers, Recent Bug Fixes
12-13-18 Release Notes: Recent Bug Fixes
12-7-18 Release Notes: Welcome to the New French Version of FlowView PRISM, Recent Bug Fixes
12-3-18 Release Notes: Hot Fix: Historical data can now be accessed through the Advanced Dashboard, even if there is no data
11-30-18 Release Notes: New Features: New FlowView PRISM Favicon, More User Control With Time Based, On-Demand Data Collection, Iso-Q™ Lines, Debuting the Advanced Dashboard, Multi-Location Hydrograph Viewing is Back, Recent Bug Fixes
10-25-18 Release Notes: FlowView PRISM API – Public Preview
10-12-18 Release Notes: Recent Bug Fixes
9-28-18 Release Notes: New Features: Hydrograph Time Span, Dynamic Dashboard
9-5-18 Release Notes: New Features: Shared Time Scale on Location Dashboard, Hydrograph “View Details” Now Says “Advanced”, A Clean Slate – Vault, FlowView PRISM Logo, Recent Bug Fixes
8-20-18 Release Notes: New Features: Link From the Map Location Information Detail Window to the Location Dashboard Graph, Location Dashboard Site Selection, Location Dashboard View Details, Rain on Top of Graph, Recent Bug Fixes
8-10-18 Release Notes: ADS announces FlowView PRISM 1.1, New Features: Website URL Update/Timing, New Logo/Icon, User Self-Administration, Upload Monitor Configuration XML, Recent Bug Fixes