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Webinar Part 2 - Tackling Infiltration and Inflow with SLiiCER

Tackling Infiltration and Inflow with SLiiCER®

Part 2 – Understanding Dry Weather FLows

Webinar Series Overview
Have an infiltration and inflow (I/I) problem? You are not alone. Most wastewater collection systems do. Resolving comprehensive I/I problems starts by evaluating flow monitor and rainfall data as part of an I/I study. Join ADS for a multi-part webinar series taught by experienced professionals where you will learn how to apply SLiiCER – our Cloud-based I/I analytics tool – to understand and prioritize I/I problems in your wastewater collection system.
Part 2 – Understanding Dry Weather Flows
Understanding dry weather flows in sanitary sewer systems is an integral piece of the infiltration and inflow puzzle. This Part 2 webinar discusses techniques to extract dry weather flows from flow monitor and rainfall monitor data and how to use SLiiCER to distill them into a variety of insights including minimum, average, and maximum dry day flows, peaking factors, wastewater production, and groundwater infiltration.
Professional Development Hour (PDH) Documentation Requirements
For interested webinar participants, ADS will provide documentation for professional development hours, subject to the following conditions and limitations:
  • You must register individually, sign-in individually, and attend the live webinar in its entirety so that we have the means to validate your attendance and participation for continuing education purposes. We cannot provide PDH documentation for partial attendance, for viewing the webinar archive after the live webinar, or to individuals that watched the live webinar on another attendee’s screen without staying signed in for the duration of the webinar.
  • Most organizations do not specifically approve continuing education providers. However, it is your responsibility to determine whether this webinar meets the guidelines set forth by any particular organization.
  • Some organizations require the use of pre-approved continuing education providers. ADS is not a pre-approved provider for any particular organization, and this webinar should not be claimed as required continuing education for such organizations.

Duration: 50 minutes with up to 10 minutes of Q&A to follow

Speaker: Kevin Enfinger, P.E.

Kevin is a Senior Product and Region Engineer at ADS Environmental Services with 30 years of experience in environmental engineering and consulting. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from the University of Florida and is a Registered Professional Engineer. Kevin is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Water Environment Federation.

Tackling Infiltration and Inflow with SLiiCER®

Part 1 – SLiiCER Overview

Webinar Series Overview
Have an infiltration and inflow (I/I) problem? You are not alone. Most wastewater collection systems do. Resolving comprehensive I/I problems starts by evaluating flow monitor and rainfall data as part of an I/I study. Join ADS for a multi-part webinar series taught by experienced professionals where you will learn how to apply SLiiCER – our Cloud-based I/I analytics tool – to understand and prioritize I/I problems in your wastewater collection system.
Part 1 – The Big Picture
Part 1 provides a general overview of SLiiCER and a demonstration of how it provides infiltration and inflow (I/I) insights to wastewater professionals. This webinar discusses the “big picture” and highlights the capabilities and time savings that SLiiCER brings to the table. Subsequent webinars will provide a deeper dive into the details of key features, including technical background and helpful tips.
Professional Development Hour (PDH) Documentation Requirements
For interested webinar participants, ADS will provide documentation for professional development hours, subject to the following conditions and limitations:
  • You must register individually, sign-in individually, and attend the live webinar in its entirety so that we have the means to validate your attendance and participation for continuing education purposes. We cannot provide PDH documentation for partial attendance, for viewing the webinar archive after the live webinar, or to individuals that watched the live webinar on another attendee’s screen without staying signed in for the duration of the webinar.
  • Most organizations do not specifically approve continuing education providers. However, it is your responsibility to determine whether this webinar meets the guidelines set forth by any particular organization.
  • Some organizations require the use of pre-approved continuing education providers. ADS is not a pre-approved provider for any particular organization, and this webinar should not be claimed as required continuing education for such organizations.

Duration: 50 minutes with up to 10 minutes of Q&A to follow

Speaker: Kevin Enfinger, P.E.

Kevin is a Senior Product and Region Engineer at ADS Environmental Services with 30 years of experience in environmental engineering and consulting. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from the University of Florida and is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Water Environment Federation.

Did You Miss the Previous Webinars?

Take a peek at some of the webinars in the archive. Request access to all past ADS Webinars.

SPEAKERS: Patrick Stevens, P.E.; Kevin Enfinger, P.E.

Sewer Sociology® studies human patterns through water and sewer use. Join us as we delve into the COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on society through the eyes of the sewer.

ADS Webinar for Elements to Successful Rainfall Monitoring Part 01

SPEAKER: Kevin Enfinger, P.E.

Important engineering decisions are made every day regarding sanitary sewer, combined sewer, and storm sewer systems and often require the use of rainfall data. See how selecting the right equipment in the right quantities for your local rainfall conditions and your specific applications will lead to a successful rainfall monitoring program.
Lower Costs, Lower Risk – New Relief Through Optimized Cleaning


Optimize Cleaning – See how new technologies are helping municipalities reduce cleaning by up to 80%, safeguard against SSOs with 24/7 monitoring, and avoid harmful side-effects of overcleaning.